Dream Engine is a progressive Melbourne video production company. In this article, we’ll be discussing what this means, and why this sets us apart from the competition.
Over the past decade, the video production industry has changed on a number of levels.
When we started, there were a number of large production companies that don’t exist anymore. Because they kept using the same video production model, which doesn’t necessarily fit in to the new economy.
In the past, video production was expensive, labor-intensive and time consuming. And video wasn’t accessible, apart from what was available on TV.
2015 is the world of YouTube, high-definition videos available on phones, and high-speed internet. Using video to promote your business online, to train your staff and advertise your work, has become an expectation. It’s no longer a luxury. It’s a necessity.
More companies than ever before are using video. And not necessarily the long-form, big-budget corporate video style. A current trend is producing more, smaller videos – but more on that in a second!
And so these more traditional production companies that didn’t evolve their business model or way of working became extinct. And the types of companies that are successful now are so because they are innovative, flexible, creative, and able to come up with the most interesting, effective results for their clients and their budget.
These qualities describe Dream Engine.
Why we pride ourselves on being progressive
We choose to be progressive because we want to deliver the best results. We’re not rigid in how we approach video production: it’s important to us that we create the best custom video solutions for our clients.
Some video production companies have worked in the same way for decades. We’re able to look at your business and look at your budget, and give you the best solution.
You don’t have to follow the rigid, traditional video production model, which really only works for TVCs and movies. You don’t necessarily need to hire actors when you have your own staff. Or a giant green-screen studio when our mobile studio can come to you.
We pride ourselves on being flexible.
A flexible video production company
The traditional video production process was on the filmmaking model, with clearly defined roles: a specialised gaffer, a specialised sound recordist, a specialist director, et cetera.
In this system, people never crossed over roles. It was based on a model of teaming together specialists, with a large crew fulfilling very specific roles.
This is effective on large shoots, but is very expensive, labour-intensive, and cumbersome.
The way that we do video production is much more flexible. We typically work with smaller crews, comprised of generalists who can move between roles. Instead of employing ten specialists, we bring three well-trained generalists, and deliver you the same results.
It’s a model where we can work in a more improvisational way with a smaller crew. You’ll see one of our crew members setting up lights, then swinging a boom, then conducting an interview. Our team are trained for every facet of video production. And the results speak for themselves.
Our flexible approach also extends to how we communicate with you.
Our approach to communication
At Dream Engine, we don’t have a dedicated project manager in between the client and the editor. And the reason that take this approach is because, overwhelmingly, our clients want to work directly with the person doing the work, be it shooting or editing, instead of through another layer of communication.
For example, in post production, our clients can contact our editors directly, because in creative work, it can be hard to explain things verbally. So being able to talk directly to the editor, or sit beside them, helps them to close their projects faster, and with them in more control.
This is particularly helpful when we are dealing with multiple videos – as is the current trend for video production.
The kinds of videos we produce
Our video production company produces a wide-range of videos – everything from instructional videos, to event videos, and TVCs. And we’re advocates of the current trend to move from one-off videos that say everything, to a video marketing strategy that works together.
When you commission us, you’re actually commissioning a video hosting strategy. We help you from concept development to distribution, and measuring the video. We give you complimentary video hosting by us, that allows us to track the results of your video.
What we deliver
We’re proud of delivering outstanding results for our clients, and that’s our guarantee. We deliver high-definition copies of our videos via the web, so that they are accessible everywhere to download or embed. And we also assign copyright of the finished work to the client.
You might be surprised to know that a lot of video production companies retain copyright of the work, and allow their clients the license to use it. To us, this doesn’t make sense, as you’ve commissioned the work and paid for it. We want you to be able to use your videos how you want to, and own them.
What’s the next step?
If you have any questions about how to work with a video production company, you can contact us here – and we’re always happy to help.
“We found Dream Engine on the internet and were impressed by their credentials. We were so pleased with the results. They exceeded our expectations, represented the organisation and communicated the key messages in a high quality format. We would highly recommend Dream Engine.” Anthea van der Horn, Marketing Manager, Kinetic IT

Ryan Spanger is one of Melbourne’s most respected and sought-after video production professionals. Ryan founded Dream Engine in 2002, and specialises in helping medium to large corporates, government departments, and the non-profit sector to connect with their audience more effectively by using video.