Video on the web is an important topic. The internet has transformed the way we stay in touch, conduct business, and are entertained. The last ten years has seen us migrate to this digital landscape, and it now represents a strong level of comfort and familiarity for most of us.
The internet has now entered a second revolution of change, as it evolves from a primarily static, text-based form of communication into an immersive, live-action video and sound experience. This revolution represents enhanced opportunities to draw audiences closer, and communicate your message more powerfully.
As high speed internet connections become the norm, and the ability to compress video to very small sizes, while still retaining high quality, improves, the true potential of the internet is beginning to be realised, and video on the web becomes more important.
The Popularity of sites such as YouTube has clearly demonstrated the massive market for viewing short video clips on the internet. If anyone needed conclusive proof, Google’s purchase of You Tube for $US1.6 Billion demonstrates that the internet has been fully embraced as a new and viable delivery platform for advertising.
Audiences are increasingly spending time online, as opposed to watching television. According to an Online Publishers Association Study in the U.S., more than 140 million people (69%) have watched video online, with 50 million (24%) doing so weekly. As the relationship users have with the internet changes, so too do their expectations about the type of content they wish to consume.
Increasingly, the content that will grab and hold attention on the internet will be video-based. For businesses this may include things like short clips explaining your product or service, a series of tips or information about your area of expertise, demonstrations about how your product or service functions, or a message from the managing director.
As an example, Dream Engine has produced a series of video clips for Philip Webb Real Estate. Each month the director provides visitors to the site with a new real estate tip. Securing return visitors to your site is what will secure its success. By providing information that is fresh targeted and relevant, and doing so in a visually dynamic and compelling form, your site will stand out from your competitors.
So, as this new wave of change takes hold of the internet, it is important to consider its implications to your web strategy, and the opportunities it holds.
To learn more about video production, visit our Melbourne video production company website.