Video is an extremely powerful tool for communicating ideas and knowledge effectively. Producing good training videos is much more than just filming and editing. The script must be written in a direct enough way to enhance learning, whilst keeping the viewer engaged. It is not about amazing visuals and clean sound (although it doesn’t hurt), it’s about getting complex information across in a way that’s easy to understand and absorb. How it is put together is a necessary requirement, but it is the method behind it that makes all the difference.
Start With The Script
The script is incredibly important. It must be accessible and easy to understand. Some training videos will require some industry specific jargon, but for the most part try to avoid anything that might cause confusion amongst viewers. As soon as people feel like they are lost, they tune out. Work the process through and make sure everything is covered correctly to make sure the viewers will understand it on first viewing.
Keep It Interesting Visually
If you keep a stagnant title on screen for more than say, 10 seconds, it begins to make your video feel like a glorified slideshow. If you expect to keep viewers engaged you need to change things up regularly and give the viewers some variety. Keeping it interesting visually does not mean throwing everything up on the screen, it means a variety of shots and titles. Avoid flashy graphics or transitions that will distract from the material. Any unnecessary distractions should be removed.
Stay In Sequence
When it comes to training videos, process is the most important part. As you can see in this training video we did for Stryker, a manufacturer of hospital trolleys and stretchers, the process is important for both safety and efficiency.
This must be accounted for in the script. Especially when dealing with a video that will be used by paramedics around the country, you want them to be completely sure of the correct process.
If the material is quite complex, it can also make sense to separate the material into chapters. This not only makes finding the right topic easier for viewers, but gives them a natural break to absorb what has come before.
Use a Presenter
People absorb information better when it’s presented by a person, rather than a slide or booklet. This is why if the material is appropriate, you should consider using a presenter to deliver the information. If the material relies a lot on showing how to use something visually, then a voiceover can often be the best option to commentate what’s happening on screen.
Training videos are the best method of training people quickly and comprehensively. Viewers absorb more through video than other training methods and pure text. But these training videos have to be made correctly. If you are looking to create a memorable training video that really works, contact us today.

Ryan Spanger is one of Melbourne’s most respected and sought-after video production professionals. Ryan founded Dream Engine in 2002, and specialises in helping medium to large corporates, government departments, and the non-profit sector to connect with their audience more effectively by using video.