Are you planning to create an About Page video for your website? These type of videos give you a strong opportunity to demonstrate your expertise, as well as share your story.
It’s Ryan Spanger here, and I’m talking to Greg Merillees from Studio 1 Design and we’re talking about page video on websites. So, Greg, let’s move into our next topic. This is the third in a four part series. And I’d like to talk about about videos. So, I know that you make an important distinction between the idea of an about page, an about us page on the website. I think that’s really important to start with.
– Yeah I couldn’t agree more. So, realistically you want to use your about page to let people know what it is about you that makes you unique as to how you can help them right? So, I wouldn’t even call in the top now, I wouldn’t even call it about us. I would just call it about, it really depends on the business, but yeah it’s a video on that page that is showing your journey right, and if you look at you know, the video that you created for our site is amazing, ’cause you’re showing my journey and the history that I’ve got that’s led me to this point that’s positioning me as the authority to prove that we are experts at delivering what we can deliver to our potential clients right? So I mean that sounds like a lot of jargon put into just one video, but it really is a powerful tool to show that journey and what we like to do on an about page is have a blanket statement at top of the page, that video directly underneath, and then we like to go into what’s called a timeline journey of all those milestones that help us position us as the experts.
The About Page Video we created for Greg
– When people arrive on your home page, they’re in quite an alert state and they’re thinking to themselves should I stay or should I go. And they’re looking for reasons to stick around, and then if they identify that they’re in the right place, then they’ll dig a little bit deeper and once they get to an about page, to me they’re prepared to invest some time, and that’s where an about video can work quite well, because something like a storytelling documentary-style video can really give the essence of the business the story behind the business, and go into a little bit more detail about the services that the business offers, and also you know impact people on an emotional level as well.
– And the thing is people will be shopping around for you and your competitors for whatever service or product you offer right? So one thing that’s going to make you unique is your unique story. So, put it out there, because that could be the reason that they choose you over your competitors. A lot of businesses choose not to put their story on their website but story especially told in a video, can be extremely powerful for helping influence people to take action.
– Do you ever have the situation where you suggest this to your clients and they might come back and say, “Oh well there’s nothing particularly interesting “about our story or–”
– Yes.
– [Ryan] We don’t really have a story” and how do you react to that?
– Yeah and look I would say if it’s a new business, they’ve still got a story before they started that business and it’s the reason that they started that business, usually you know they’re trying to solve a problem that they had in their journey right? Or they’re just passionate about something that they’ve had in their history, so yeah basically what we want to do in the video is tell that backstory to bring people up to speed to why they’ve created what they’ve created today.
– And why do you think it matters like say for instance to, why does it matter to your clients and I know that you invest quite a bit of time speaking to your clients and understanding what motivates them, for instance something like an about video, why would that be interesting to them, and why might that influence their buying decision?
– Well I personally think it’s because of the fact that you’re unique right? And the way you are on video, there’s a lot of body language and things like that that people are looking at subconsciously all right? So I just think it can do a lot more power, a lot more good, if you put yourself out there than just hiding behind your website and expecting your website to do all the talk and just through the copy. A video in my opinion is the most powerful way to show who you really are.
– All right awesome, well it’s been great talking about about pages and I guess you know one final thought, that I’d be interested to know because this could be a competitive advantage. At the moment roughly you know if you think about the range of websites that you do, how many businesses are actually creating videos for their about page?
– I would say probably less than half yeah, yeah.
– So, there’s a real opportunity to stand out then if people in the research phase, and they’re looking at your website and your competitors, a good opportunity to show some uniqueness?
– Totally, couldn’t agree more.
– Greg Merillees from Studio 1 Design. Great to talk to you about about videos.

Ryan Spanger is one of Melbourne’s most respected and sought-after video production professionals. Ryan founded Dream Engine in 2002, and specialises in helping medium to large corporates, government departments, and the non-profit sector to connect with their audience more effectively by using video.